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Join The Monday Vision

Monday Vision - April 2024

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Do Not Miss This Upcoming Event

Welcome, Leaders!

Are you aware of the profound impact intuition has on leadership decisions?

Join us for an insightful discussion on “The Law of Intuition: Leaders Evaluate Everything With a Leadership Bias.”

In this upcoming gathering of visionary leaders like yourself,

Explore how intuition shapes leadership decisions Understand the power of a leadership bias in evaluation Learn strategies to harness intuition for effective leadership Discover how to cultivate a leadership mindset in every aspect of your evaluation process

Don’t Miss Out on this Enlightening Leadership Session


Key Topics:

Unveiling the role of intuition in leadership Understanding the leadership bias in evaluation Strategies for leveraging intuition in decision-making Cultivating a leadership mindset in evaluation


Please Note:

This Zoom Event is limited to 100 participants only

Act fast,

Register Now…

Event Date [25th of February 2023]

Time [2pm]

Engage in dynamic discussions and Ask your questions to experts

Share your ideas, and network with like-minded entrepreneurs.

Connect With Business People From Around The Globe

Meet The Guest Speaker

Mrs Linda Turner

Featured Coach

Meet Mrs. Linda Turner, visionary founder of The Linda Hope Initiative. A thriving entrepreneur, she ventures into education, high-end fashion, interior remodeling, and hospitality. 

Inspired by her hardworking mother, Linda believes in extending a helping hand to the less privileged. Having personally experienced domestic violence, she passionately dedicates herself to victim rescue, rehabilitation, awareness for attitudinal change, and advocates for laws combating gender-based violence. 

Linda Turner embodies resilience, compassion, and a commitment to making a positive impact on lives through her multifaceted initiatives.

Meet The Speakers


Business & Life Intervention Coach – Founder of iLead Global Organisation

Raphael Djine – a recipient of The Presidential Life Time Achievement Award from president Barack Obama (Former U.S Pressident),

an American of African descent, Based in Dallas Texas. He is the CEO of iLead Global and a successful business tycoon.

Master Coach Raphael is a living example of the teachings of great influential leaders, including; John C. Maxwell, Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, and Myles Monroe.

Amidst acquiring wealth, he remembered his roots and took up the mission to share these same principles and teachings with every youth/adult with the desire to become great and help others explore their maximum potential.

Our Partners And Subsidiaries

Join The Zoom Meeting

iLead Global Entrepreneurs Meetup is set to connect, build and critically analyze the minds of growing entrepreneurs’ to give them the tools specific to their challenges and help them succeed in their endeavors.

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Monday Vision - April 2024

Discover Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Development Programs designed to help you achieve the life you envision.

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